"I wonder, why I wonder?" -- Feynman

Friday, June 22, 2007

spoken tears..

I live in a room where feelings hang from the ceiling
like spider-webs they try to cling and i strike them off
the window of emotion is closed since the last rain, it's got rust in the frame
one day i rolled out my car
on the highway, you fell like a drop of tear
the wind swept you away but not the pain
i wish i could freeze u there, i wish i'd stopped my car
i blame the crazy wind and the bright sun, i blame whatever i was made for

in the night when the light of dead stars hit the earth
i wake up thirsty and open up my rusty window
breath in the air where you have disapperaed
close my eyes to see how u have glittered for the last time under the Sun
I find myself in neverland,
scattering my ashes into the river I'd cried for you.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


colors of night are fading ..
darkness is feigning its hide
sunrays are searching to see.
whatever the night hav cleared..

rushing down from the sun..up on the twentieth floor..
grazing against the window pane into the dark-no-more
slowly coming out of hide.. corner of a pillow,
scattered few sleeping pills, a broken glass down below
the limp hand and the pale face..
serenity lying in cold embrace..

on the side-walk by the trash bin..
far frm the sun ,,late for the sun beam
lying thr a wrapped up flesh
one of them whom God doesnt bless
sunrays come down and hold thr pace..
hesitating before striking his blue face.
they walk across the paleness, the dark frozen lips
melting dwn the frozen tears, heating up the cheeks

they thought the blood's gone, no more cold fear
no more cursed hunger, no more ugly tears
they thought the lungs wont take in this sick air
they thought God might have lost another unrequited prayer

suddenly the eyelids shiver, the wind brushed his hair
suddenly rays realized theres something nights couldnt clear...

Friday, June 01, 2007

..dig me up..

shout out loud
cry the devil's laugh!
whom u r foolin honey?
i'm writin my own cenotaph..

whr the preachers lie
and the Sunbeams skip the land
blood-drops pretend to be dew
innocence lie face-down in sand
all into my eyes and ears for years..
all into the air tht filled my lungs..
evrywhr else is sick desire..
filth of happiness, the wrath of love..

look at me i'm stinking beneath..
dig me up let the world smell my rot
smell my life honey dig me up.
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